Monday, March 9, 2009

Training Methods

The biggest obstacle of training a horse is deciding how to train the horse. When just casually thinking about it, the complexity of training isn't so overwhelming. However, when put into practice training becomes almost completely overwhelming at times.

There are infinite ways for you to train your horse. You will be bombarded with many trainers throwing their method at you and trying to get you to go to their seminars and buy their products. With all that is offered it seems very difficult to decide what method is best for you. Not to mention it is frustrating because many methods blatantly contradict one another.

First of all, learn about the different training methods. Rent books from the library, read magazines, research on the internet, ask fellow horsemen, watch television shows (ie RFD-TV), and if you are really interested call or email the trainer/company about their training method. Don't take any to heart right away because you saw their horses do something truly remarkable and amazing. You want a method that can make you horse fun and safe to ride. If it works for that trainer, good for him, but you need it to work for YOU and YOUR horse.

After you have an idea of what methods are out there, you must decide what your beliefs are about horsemanship and horse training. What do you belief is more painful than necessary to your horse? What are you capable of doing with your horse? Do you have the time and patience to do it that way? If something goes wrong or you are stuck will you know how to adapt using this method? There are many other things you will need to think about to determine what you want out of your training method, and then finally your trained horse.

Now, it is time to choose a training method. However, you don't have to stick to one clear-cut method. Remember what "maieutic" means? Getting new ideas from each other. This is essential to horsemanship in my opinion. Stay open to other methods and if there is something you like take that and mix it into your primary method. Keep taking the best from each method you know and create a unique horsemanship that is your own and fits you best. Do not take anything for the gospel truth.

On my blog I will share what I have learned and what I believe. I do not expect everyone to agree with me and that is perfectly fine. However, if you do not agree or think you have a reason why I am wrong I strongly encourage you to share and speak up about it. I am more than willing to learn something new. Also, I may be able to explain better my standing and the reasons for it. So please do comment.

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